Tag Archives: page-turner

Student Review: The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green (reviewed by Maria H.)

The Fault in Our StarsThe Fault in Our Stars by John Green

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, captures young readers’ interest by the characters for fighting for life and falling in love. Not only is this book a page-turner but also takes the reader on a journey through the life of a young girl with cancer. Hazel, one of the main characters, struggled with thyroid cancer that spread through her lungs since she was little. There is a tug of war that her parents win and make her go to a support group. At the support group she meets a young man Augustus close to her age that used to have cancer. Later on in the book Hazel and Augustus kindle a romantic and passionate relationship that leads to an intrigue with love. Reading more into the book, a relationship between the reader and the characters develop. The ending of the book has a little ironic twist to it. The Fault In Our Stars is a romantic novel with a tragic ending. This book gives the reader a sense that life comes with curveballs. I admired how the author kept the narrator Hazel herself. Hazel and Augustus were very believable because it was as if a girl told to story herself. In the very beginning when Hazel and Augustus meet each other he ignores that she has cancer and only admires how beautiful she is. In that point of the book I could already tell that Augustus had a true love for Hazel. The book connects to young readers as their journey through the book hopes to find love that lasts between Hazel and Augustus. I made a personal connection with the book because we both shared a tragedy. I would recommend this book to other readers because it captures a great interest. ~ Student: Maria H.

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